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Jul. 02, 2018
6 main properties of CCEWOOL ceramic fiber insulation: heat resistance, thermal stability, thermal conductivity, sound absorption, chemical stability, elasticity and resistance of gas permeability.
Last period we introduced heat resistance, thermal stability, thermal conductivity of the 6 main properties of CCEWOOL refractory ceramic fiber. Following we will continue to introduce sound absorption, chemical stability, elasticity and resistance of gas permeability of the 6 main properties of CCEWOOL ceramic fiber insulation
3. Thermal conductivity
Static air is an excellent thermal insulation material with low thermal conductivity and low heat capacity. Ceramic fiber insulation has thermal conductivity close to air because ceramic fiber insulation is a mixed structure composed of solid fiber and air, and the porosity is over 90%. .
4. Sound absorption
Since the ceramic fiber insulation product is a porous assembly of fine fibers, for a high-frequency sound wave, the sound reduction rate of a fiber product with a small bulk density is big, whereas for a low-frequency sound wave, the sound reduction rate of a fiber product with a small bulk density is small. Ceramic fiber insulation products are particularly suitable for sound insulation devices at high temperatures. Its performance is better.
5. Chemical stability
Ceramic fiber insulation has good chemical stability in oxidizing and neutral atmospheres. However,when ceramic fiber is in the reducing atmosphere and contact with alkali metal oxide its chemical stability is poor. And it directly affects the crystallization of the fiber and the grain growth rate, so that the ceramic fiber insulation performance deteriorates.
6. Elasticity and resistance of gas permeability
When ceramic fiber insulation is used as a sealant and filler material for high-temperature gases, it requires elasticity (compression recovery) and resistance of air permeability.
The compressive resiliency of the ceramic fiber insulation increases as the density of the fiber product increases, and the air resistance thereof also increases, that is, the air permeability of the fiber product decreases. Therefore, as a high-temperature gas sealing material and padding material, high-density fiber products should be used to increase the compression resilience rate and air resistance.
The above describes the six main properties of CCEWOOL ceramic fiber insulation, and it is hoped that it will help the builders of the furnace construction.