Mar. 23, 2020
Insulation ceramic fiber bulk is a fibrous, lightweight refractory material, which has become an increasingly popular thermal insulation material and can be used in a variety of industrial furnaces
1. Production process.
Insulation ceramic fiber bulk is a fibrous lightweight refractory material, its main components are Al2O3 and SiO2. It is produced by burning and melting hard clay consisted mainly of kaolin and flint. Then the molten is blown into fibers by compressed air or spun into fiber by spinner. And the fibers are collected and made into insulation ceramic fiber bulk. The insulation ceramic fiber bulk can be further processed into fiber blanket, board, paper, cloth, rope and other products. Insulation ceramic fiber bulk is a pure inorganic fiber material.
2. Classification
According to classification temperature, insulation ceramic fiber bulk can be classified into Common (1100℃/2012 ºF), Standard (1260℃/2300 ºF), High purity(1260℃/2300ºF), High Aluminum(1360℃/2480 ºF) and High Zircum(1430℃/2606 ºF)
Next issue we will continue to introduce performance and application of insulation ceramic fiber bulk.